Horno: 400º F (205ºC) 10 min
Cantidad: 3 docenas
Batir apenas con un tenedor
2 huevos
Agregar y continuar batiendo
2/3 tazas aceite (no de oliva)
2 Cdas. de vainilla
1 cta. de cáscara de limón rallada
Añadir gradualmente
3/4 taza azúcar (I play with that, and use mostly brown sugar and a little white)
Cernir juntos y agregar
2 1/4 tazas harina (I also play and use part whole wheat flour, part regular white flour)
2 ctas. polvo de hornear
1/2 cta. de sal
Verter sobre chapa enmantecada por cucharaditas. Hornear. Sacar de la chapa inmediatamente.
This is merely the master recipe, but you can play around with it, and add a cup of shredded coconut to the flour mixture, or reduce the flour to 2 cups and add 1 cup of oats and 1/2 cup raisins. Or also leave out the lemon zest and
ResponderEliminaradd chocolate chips and walnuts.