Dorar 1 diente de ajo en algo de aceite de oliva y retirar de la sartén.
Freír una cebolla picada, 1 atado de espinacas, 1 atado de acelgas, agregar una cta. de azúcar y 1 puñado generoso de queso semi-curado o curado rallado. Por último echar una pizca de nuez moscada.
In Uruguay we usually buy our “masa de pascualina” at the supermarket, just like we buy our “masa para empanadas”, but any filo dough or pâte brisée will do. Just spread the mix on the base dough, crack a couple of eggs on top, as it’s a treat to get a slice with the egg in it, cover with the top dough and bake as if you were baking any quiche. You can paint the top with a bit of beaten egg, but I’ve always been too lazy for that.
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