- Cut into fish finger size fingers.
- Get 3 plates: one with flour, one with beaten egg, one with crumbs. Do the 'conveyer belt' thing: roll in flour, dip in egg, roll in crumbs.
- Shallow fry until golden each side (careful the egg tends to burn easily).
- Tenderise fillets of chicken or pork by covering in clingfilm and bashing with a rolling pin.
- Do conveyor belt thing.
- Shallow fry.
Did the fish-fingers recipe with fresh mackerel yesterday and it was amazing! I got the fishmonger to cut the mackerel in half and take out all the bones and then did the flour/egg/breadcrumb thing and fried it. A super-healthy, sustainable, yummy meal for all the family! (not for really little ones as they are not supposed to eat "pescado azul" too young - think it's before 18 months or something). Mackerel is "verat" in Catalan- at least I think it ws mackerel!