martes, 18 de enero de 2011

Favourite dark leafy greens (from the Ayurvedic Cookbook)

Prep time: 10 to 20 minutes
1 bunch dark leafy greens: kale, collards, mustard, turnip or dandelion greens
½- ¾  cup water
1 teaspoon sunflower oil (or ghee for digestible but non vegan version)
½ teaspoon whole cumin seeds
1 teaspoon coriander powder

Wash greens and chop them, taking out stem in the process. Bring water to a boil in heavy bottomed skillet. Put in chopped greens, cover, lower heat to simmer. Cook from 7 to 15 minutes or until greens are tender. Drain, serving water, if not too bitter, for use as soup broth.

Heat oil in small pan over low heat. Add cumin seeds. When they begin to brown, stir in coriander. Brown, do not burn. Pour this mixture over the drained greens, mixing well,  serve immediately.
The spices take the edge off the usually bitter greens.

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